Dancing warriors and a hot chick makes for a strange movie

I saw "Meet the Spartans" last night and it was a movie with lots of downs but definently some ups as well. My favorite part was definently when the "300" warriors leaves Sparta, hand in hand with this awsome dance and song! I just thought "Why don't warriors always do that??" All in all the movie kinda sucked but it was enjoyable. Today I have my last day of work before Easter. It will be nice to just relax and hang with some friends. Hope my bmx-frame arrives on thursday so I can spend some time building that together. Found out that at least my sponsor race frame arrived here yesterday but as always something was missing. But I think I will go get it this weekend, cause I want to see the "Intense-beauty".
Just wanted to let everyone know that the band "Aiden" is really great. Their latest record "Conviction" is really tastefull bunch of songs. Go listen to it, while I head of to work. Uhh.. cold outside! Hate winter!


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