WOW thats fast!

Today, I woke up early to go finish my bike at my parents house, and you know what? It was snowing like crazy outside. Seriously, can't it just stop. Snow might be nice in like december, but in the end of march? Come on! Anyway, I got home in the blizzard and managed to finish my race bike for 08'. It is really nice with flat aerodynamic-spokes, super nice frame and some killer details. Will be a really nice season I think. After that I wnet home, got changed and went to our nearby mall with my sweetheart. She found some stuff, and I got some shaving cream. NO MORE DRY SHAVING. WOHA! Hope it feels better with that stuff. Now i'm planning my friends race-bike built. Sebb finally has decided to get a race bike. Will be so fun when it's complete so we can ride together. Think it will improve his racing SO much. Tonight I'm goin bowling. Will be fun. But right now I'm just tired. OUT!

My new ride for 08'

My new Zebra helmet.



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